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5 Reviews on “Starbucks”

5 reviews
  • Nicole Russo

    This Starbucks is the best I’ve been to in my life. They are so generous and kind hearted. They always make my drink perfect. I am a nurse in NYC and I leave for work earlier than Starbucks opens and everyday I work they always have my drink prepared for me before I go to work. Joe, Kierah and staff you make my long day bearable and your kindness does not go unnoticed. Thank you so much

  • M Koti

    Slowest Starbucks coffee shop I know. Prime location Starbucks right on the Main Street around right in-front of the train station, it should be buzzing fast. I waited 15 minutes for a cup of coffee, even though there were three young men working there . There was a long line because they were too slow.

  • Jen L

    The saddest Frappuccino ever .
    I lifted my straw and that blob is the only part that’s actually caramel

  • Xiao Yang Li

    As someone who has worked in food service I understand the tension / frustration afternoon rushes can cause. However, about a week ago, while waiting for my order I noticed clear workplace bullying. One of your employees, Steph, had snapped at her peer and audibly shared some unkind words to another.
    I was not the only one who caught this because I had turned to the costumer next to me and we both exchanged looks. I would have stepped in however, it was clearly busy and stressful for everyone behind bar. I rarely leave reviews but I hope whoever manages this cafe speaks to this employee because I can only imagine the abuse and bullying that goes on when no one is looking.

  • Aradia Neferneferuaten

    My husband Ordered two almond milk Frappuccino because myself and my daughter are lactose intolerant. He brought out to the car and both Tasted Frappuccino. They were quite nasty , like coffee that had been sitting out & burnt . It had a strange taste which I didn’t realize was milk because when my husband brought them in to have them remade immediately after we got them, the barista said she made them with milk because they don’t have almond milk but failed to tell my husband when she made them and serve them to him. This is not the first time that we’ve had drinks remade at this particular location but this is the first time that we’re served regular milk when we specifically asked for almond and not told that we were given regular milk .The baristas need to be retrained , That would’ve made me and my daughter both very sick. Manager was polite & refund us but im sure if it was a customer who was against drinking milk and then being served milk without being told is really a horrific thing to do to someone.

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