Walmart Supercenter


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5 Reviews on “Walmart Supercenter”

5 reviews
  • Barbara Allen

    They have riding carts there, but sometimes you have to wait f/one. They help you, but sometimes you have to go looking f/someone. I feel they need more riding carts & sometimes there are not enough cashiers f/checking out. Sometimes they will ask if you need help, but not always. Usually I have to ask to get help to my car. They are curteous thou & when you ask f/help they will accomodate you. Its not a bad place to shop, but I feel they could make a few improvements.

  • God's Girl

    Walmart customer service has went down the tubes! Too many employees walking around when your 15th in line for check out! Even self check out gets backed up.
    I’m not on Walmarts pay roll, so I’m not checking myself out and bagging my own stuff!
    Put some of those employees that are just wandering around on a register!

  • S W. O.

    Overcrowded and not enough sales ppl on the floor. Line for checking out was outrageous. More than 45 min in each line and only 4 open for the entire store. Produce looked half spoiled and certainly not fresh. Always out of stock for many items I can’t get anymore. Oh, and DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING PERISHABLE 2 B DELIVERED. IF U GET YOUR ORDER, YOU MUST RETURN MOLDED FRUIT OR BREAD FOR A REFUND. If I was physically able I would have been in the store.. not ordering online where the cost is jacked up and a simple return is now treated like a criminal investigation. Oh.. please call ANY NUMBER OR DEPARTMENT for help. The ONLY ONES WHO ANSWER ARE THE BAKERY EMPLOYEES. WALMART HAS BEEN LOWER THAN EVER THE PAST YR. IF THEY FORCE ME TO HAVE TO GO OUT TO SHOP ILL BE GOING TO ALDI’S. ITS A BIT UNORTHODOX BUT FOODS ARE FRESH, PEOPLE ARE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL AND THEIR PRODUCE IS NOT ONLY 100% BETTER BUT LESS THAN 1/2 THE COST.

  • Brooke Dingler

    This specific location has the rudest, most disgusting staff with the exception of maybe 2 employees. They need training on how to treat customers, it would not do them any good though because of their ignorance. The morning staff is the absolute WORST. DO NOT SHOP HERE unless you want to be discriminated against. They look down on you and treat you as if they do not realize that they work at Walmart for a living. Lol.

  • Latonia Heard

    Stop following people that are shopping and worry about the expired grey meat and smells coming from the produce section. You’re not even good at your job. I have a better job than you because I went to college so I can buy what I want. I bet you felt like an idiot when I proceeded to check out my items and PAY like everyone else. Absolutely disgusting. News flash your assumptions are misguided. Just because you see a black woman with braids and kids doesn’t mean we’re stealing.

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