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5 Reviews on “Mulheisens”

5 reviews
  • Syrin X

    Came in on Wednesday (the 8th), at around 6 for dinner with my friends. My food was about as good as it usually is, but WOW did the service struggle with a somewhat full dining room. This is unlike most Wednesday wing nights that I’ve been to over the last few months. I felt like the waitress could have attended to my table better, considering it wasn’t all THAT busy. I should also mention the waitress seemed very flustered at times and not the friendliest. Overall I’d give it a 2/5 experience.

  • Susie Bernard

    My family ate in . The waitress took our order. The meal was okay but had a difficult time getting the waitresses attention for additional items that we needed at our table such as refills, napkins etc. wasn’t friendly…

  • Tanarra McDermott

    We went there for dinner. I haven’t been there in many years. The husband had never been there. He ordered a pizza. Absolutely lived it! Said it was one of the best he ever had. I ordered the shrimp Alfredo. It was not good at all. I did try to season it but after 3 or 4 bites I just couldn’t do it. The garlic was way over the top. And I love garlic. But this…way too much. So much that it made me nauseous. The waitress removed my plate for me. Offered something else but didn’t want anything. I noticed a short time later that she had to move my plate from under the bar where the dishes were to the back bc the garlic smell was bothering her as well. I would not recommend the Alfredo. And … it only had 3 shrimp on top. Going again tonight for the fish fry so fingers crossed🤞

  • Darlene Waight

    For any of you out there that are considering going to Mulheisen’s Restaurant in Almond, NY BUYER BEWARE unless you choose to spend money foolishly – the place is going to pot in a handbasket – and so is the food. We chose to go there last night to celebrate a birthday – special that night was like 3 sizes (of Prime Rib and prices) + the Sweetheart (for 2 people). From just about the first moment we walked in, we were told that they had just had a big group of people from a Golf Tournament. Find a seat we wanted and sit down – we did. At that time there were many other patrons seated and waiting to eat. Our waitress, Martina, was somewhat curt and abrupt from the start and it almost appeared that we were imposing on her. There was 1/2 piece silverware settings at the tables. Everything about the place appeared like a worn down dump. 4 of us ordered the PRIME RIB – not a cheap price meal. It came with potato and a salad bar. The salad bar was 1/2 empty, out of lettuce and the dressing was just in bowls, unmarked with what it was. To make a LONG story short, we had to about beg for water, was suppose to get dinner rolls and had to ask neumerous times for those – when finally received them 1/2 way through the meal, they were cold and felt like someone had just taken them out of freezer. We ordered Clams Casino as an appetizer – over 1/2 of the got left on the plate as they were just plain greasy and nasty. One of us ordered a glass of Gingler Ale – partway down the drink there was a frozen fly in an ice cube. My sour cream for baked potato had a hair in it clear as day and when told waitress, she replied well what do you want me to do about it. I asked for the potato to be taken off my bill and she replied it could not be, it was part of the meal. Someone else ordered a Margaretta that tasted nothing like a Margaretta so returned it and ordered a Bloody Mary instead – that was even worse. It was like it was made with spoiled Tomato Juice and just plain nasty. She returned that an ordered a Vodka Tonic w/lime, When she got her bill, the first two drinks remained on the bill and when questioned they said well you drank some of it – she replied “well I only tasted them” and they were awful – unreal. The expensive steaks were NOT cooked at all correct and tasteless – one was about raw, the other not right at all, the third was ok BUT they had to beg for steak knifes. All three ended up being taken home. I had shrimp and could only eat part of it – it tasted like they had been frozen and sat in a freezer for a long time. We were there forever and left hungry but broke. There were a few other issues but it is NOT worth it to even waste more time talking about it. This will do me no good BUT I sure hope I can stop others from even considering going there as this place has completely turned into a dump and no wonder it is for sale! It used to be a WONDERFUL, reasonable place to go for a really good, decent meal – THAT SHIP HAS SAILED.

  • Judy Gee

    My birthday dinner at Mulheisen’s Restaurant in Almond, NY was an absolute nightmare. Our waitress, Martina, had to be asked for water, for silverware, for knives!, for bread. Four of us ordered the prime rib special. Cindy’s Ginger Ale’s ice had a bug frozen in it. Dar’s sour cream had hair in it. Martina asked what Dar wanted her to do about it!!! Bill’s sour cream was water laden! A Bloody Mary was made with spoiled tomato juice (after returning a Margarita that was improperly made). Had to pay for that Bloody Mary because I tasted it even though I asked her to take it away. The bartender came out and said he was new and apologized. Now the prime rib: no seasoning on it whatsoever! Mine is raw, not rare but I can season it here at home and bake it and it will taste good. Bill’s was also a mess and he is taking his home to season and bake. The other two were okay with theirs but had asked for med well cook, oh, they had one steak knife for the two of them on the shared sweatheart prime rib. Absolutely disgraceful. We asked if there was a manager or chef to which Martina said yes but walked away. Bill paid over $115 just for his and mine! She was the worst patron advocate ever on top of very bad food, bugs and hair, oh my! Never again.

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